A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Technology
And you thought Flash was dead
We are once again at a crossroads. Flash was once the go-to technology for creating interactive multimedia content for the web. However, due to security concerns and the end-of-life of Flash Player, it was dropped but that doesn't have to be anymore. You can adopt HTML5 as the primary web technology or work with Ruffle in order to bring back your Flash (Adobe Animate) content in a new way. In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive guide for developers and designers who are looking to bring back Flash (Adobe Animate) content or move/convert from Flash to HTML5.
Ruffle: The Flash Player Emulator
If you have existing Flash content that cannot be converted to HTML5, you may want to consider using Ruffle, an open-source Flash player plugin that runs on web browsers through WebAssembly. Ruffle emulates the Flash Player runtime environment and allows you to run Flash content without requiring users to install a Flash Player plugin.
Adding either of these code snippets to a page using Ruffle will allow any embedded swf file to automatically play.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ruffle-rs/ruffle"></script>
<script src="path/to/ruffle/ruffle.js"></script>
If you're using a local installation and it still doesn't automatically play for users without a plugin, you'll need to make sure your web server is configured to serve .wasm files correctly, so please visit their wiki if you need help with that.
As of this blog posting Ruffle emulates to ActionScript2 well but AS3 still has bugs. Still, if the AS3 code is simple enough the file should still work.
Ruffle also has a stand alone player as well for playing files on desktop and offers plugins for major web browsers. See their usage page for more information.
If you want to embed a .swf file into a page and have it play without the play button (autoplay) use this code below and change the "your-movie.swf" to your name and location.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ruffle-rs/ruffle"></script>
window.RufflePlayer = window.RufflePlayer || {};
//Below code forces autoplay, no splashscreen and allows sound
window.RufflePlayer.config = {
"autoplay": "on","splashScreen": false,"unmuteOverlay": "hidden" };
// End custom configuration code above
window.addEventListener("load", (event) => {
const ruffle = window.RufflePlayer.newest();
const player = ruffle.createPlayer();
const container = document.getElementById("container"); container.appendChild(player);
player.style.width = "600px";
player.style.height = "400px";
<div id="container"></div>
The Ruffle Splash screen below is caused by Actionscript 3 since this file is the latest from Animate. If you code in AS2 or AS1 it should play fine.
Actionscript 2 test below. Click on the icons.
Windermere Logo animation
I hope this is helpful to animators and flash creators. I know this has inspired me.
Moving to HTML5: Assessing Your Existing Flash Content
The first step in moving from Flash to HTML5 is to assess your existing Flash content to determine which pieces are critical and which can be retired or replaced. Conduct a content audit to identify the features, dependencies, and interactive elements of your Flash content.
Once you've identified the critical pieces of content, you can begin the process of converting them to HTML5.
Tools and Technologies for Converting Flash Content to HTML5
There are several tools and technologies that can be used to convert Flash content to HTML5, including Adobe Animate, Haxe, and CreateJS.
Adobe Animate is a powerful animation and interactivity authoring tool that can be used to create HTML5 content. It allows you to create animations, interactive content, and games using a visual interface, without having to write code. Adobe Animate can also import existing Flash content and convert it to HTML5.
Haxe is an open-source programming language that can be used to create cross-platform HTML5 applications. It's particularly well-suited for converting complex Flash content to HTML5, thanks to its powerful graphics libraries and support for dynamic typing.
CreateJS is a suite of JavaScript libraries that can be used to create interactive HTML5 content. It includes libraries for working with graphics, sound, and animation, and can be used to convert existing Flash content to HTML5.
Best Practices for Converting Flash Content to HTML5
Converting Flash content to HTML5 requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:
Optimize graphics: Graphics play a crucial role in creating engaging HTML5 content. Optimize your graphics to reduce file size and improve performance.
Use web fonts: HTML5 supports a wide range of web fonts, which can help you achieve the same look and feel as your existing Flash content.
Leverage multimedia capabilities: HTML5 includes powerful multimedia capabilities, including support for video and audio playback. Take advantage of these features to create engaging content.
Handle interactive elements: Flash content often includes interactive elements, such as buttons and forms. Be sure to plan how to handle these elements in your HTML5 content.
Testing and Debugging
Testing and debugging your HTML5 content is crucial to ensuring a smooth user experience. Use browser dev tools, online testing services, and automated testing frameworks to thoroughly test your content across different browsers and devices.
Deployment and Maintenance
Once your HTML5 content is ready, it's time to deploy and maintain it. Consider hosting options, browser compatibility, and how to integrate your HTML5 content with existing web applications. Regular updates are also important to ensure your content remains compatible with the latest web technologies.
To embed HTML5 content into your website, you can use the following code:
<iframe src="your-html5-file.html" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
This creates an inline frame that displays the HTML5 file at the specified width and height. You can also include additional attributes, such as scrolling="no" to disable scrolling within the frame.
To embed an HTML5 file using the object tag, you can use the following syntax:
<object data="your-html5-file.html" width="640" height="480" type="text/html"></object>
This creates an object that embeds the HTML5 file within the page. You can also include additional attributes, such as type="text/html" to specify the MIME type of the embedded content.
Other options are to install plugins to Adobe Animate plugin (still in early access beta) or Aftereffects that export as LottieFiles.
Moving from Flash to HTML5 is now not a necessary step for web developers and designers in today's web landscape. With the right tools and techniques, converting Flash content to HTML5.