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Transforming Vintage Art with a Modern AI Twist

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

In a captivating fusion of old and new, a classic ski poster has been reimagined through the lens of modern AI technologies. Utilizing generative AI in Photoshop and MidJourney's Inswapper face swapping app, the original poster was deconstructed, removing characters and text, leaving a blank canvas to reincarnate the artwork. Faces were swapped, and a personalized touch was added, breathing new life into the vintage piece...

Poster with the skiers and text removed
Poster with the skiers and text removed

The skiers were separated out and placed on different layers ion Photoshop. Each image had the backgrounds masked out and then generative AI was used to remove the skis from the woman's dress.

Before Face Swap
Before Face Swap
After Face Swap
After Face Swap

The original faces were replaced in MidJourney. I cropped the faces down from the original and then uploaded them into MidJourney. I then uploaded a photo of the people I wanted in the poster and named them. I then swapped out each face, imported the swapped faces back into Photoshop and combined them with the originals.

The text in the final was created in's website since at that time they were the only AI that could do text. I wanted that hand drawn look that the original poster had. And here is where I am so far with the poster.

Below is the original.

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